EZDK (Ezz El Dekhiela Steel Compnay)
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ezzsteel is the Middle East’s leading producer of high-quality long and flat steel for use in a wide range of end applications. Dependable products, made to customer and international specifications, combined with unrivalled customer service has created a strong reputation in the region and an ever-growing status in markets around the world. It's hard to imagine a world without steel. Without the nails, bolts and fasteners that hold together everything from our cars to our cookers; without the springs in our chairs and beds or the keys for our doors; and without some of today's greatest construction achievements, from long-span bridges to high-rise buildings. Steel is an integral part of our lives - and ezzsteel's steel can be found all around us in an increasing range of components and structures

EZDK (Ezz El Dekhiela Steel Compnay)

Address: 10 Shehab Street Mohandessin-Cairo Postal Code: Website: www.ezzsteel.com

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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